Friday, September 16, 2011


All this year, animationish was fine. It never shut down, stuffed up or crashed,, until I got to this scene.

By the time I was up to this scene, I completed scene 1, 2, 3, 4. While I was working on scene 5, I remembered that I didn't have a opening scene! And so, I borrowed a laptop over the weekend and worked on the scene. When I was half done... WHAM! It stuffed up, crashed and shut down! I had no one to blame, after all, I should have saved.

So, I reopened animationish and patiently redrew the whole thing over again. This time, I clicked on save. Then, the terror of the rainbow swirl began! *shudder* following this...WHAM! Stuffed up, crashed and shut down!! Gah!

I thought, "I shouldve saved earlier". I reopened animationish and redrew all over. But this time, after I did one quarter, I pressed save. Terror of rainbow swirl, WHAM, stuffed up, crashed, shut down, and so on. I dont know how I managed, but I was feeling very patient that day, probs due to the chocolate, hehe. I repeated this process FIVE more times, before thinking of chucking the laptop out the window. It was the schools,, so I didn't.

Monday, I got to school, did the cursed scene on a different laptop, WHAM, I got another laptop, did it again and WHAM. GAHHHH! Mr. Powell gave me an oh-so-helpful advice, "get a different laptop". Ha.

This is the story of how my opening got deleted eleven times across four different laptops. I ended up with a different scene, but meh. Im satisfised:)


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