Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This is an animation I made just for fun.

The J turns into a O which turns into a A, NN, the E.

In case you were wondering, yepp, thats my name.

At the end, theres the random winged dude flying around.. haha

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Walking Man

Our 2nd task of the term was to make a walking man and then learn how to make him walk across the screen.

My walking man is made of 9 frames that is looped over and over again.

How to make your walking man move across the page:
1. Draw your walking man. 9 frames is perfect, remember that both your left and right leg has to take turns to move forward.
2. copy and paste the 9 frames just a couple times
3. on your first frame click on the box with a + sign
4. Do the same to your very last frame
5. on your first frame, using the truck and making the Vrooom! sound, move your person to the left side of the screen and preferabley out of the frame.
6. on your last frame, using the same method, move your person to the right

Sunday, April 17, 2011


What does the word 'Animation' remind you of?

It reminds me of.... "Pixar"

Dum Dum Dummmmm

I betcha everyone has seen that cute little lamp bouncing along until it sees a "I" and decides to bounce on it:
aaaaand, here are some examples of the animations they created:

Familiar, ayye?

The examples up there are all animation movie things. But Pixar also makes these really funny short clips that win awards and stuff. This is a picture from one of them:

This short animation is named 'Lifted' and you can see it on their website or something but here is one link to Youtube:

Go see it!! :)

-Actual- Bouncing Ball

Here is the actual Bouncing Ball.. :) I played around with the colouring and added a very simple background. I tried to use the colours to express the fact the the ball is spinning as it is bouncing.

Making a Ball Bounce.. Not Splash

Our first task of this term was to make a ball bounce about four times. I learnt in my 1st/2nd lesson these key points: 1- In Animation, exaggeration is used like plays in theatres (?) and unlike movies. Plays in theatres use exaggerated expressions, movements, actions and gestures because some ofthe audience are far away. On the other hand, in movies, the camera zooms in and out, allowing more subtle expressions, actions and so on. 2- Animationish is very hard to use, even with the tablets and pens (I take forever using animationish) 3- The assessment for this term is animations but it is not due until August or something.. Whoop! :D Anyways, the first task we were assigned to do was making a ball bounce. as said above, we learnt to make exagerated movements like: stretching the ball into a oval shape just before hitting the ground to express the gravity pulling down on it, flattening the ball when it hits the ground and the spacing of the balls to show speed. I was suppose to make it bounce but by the end of the lesson, I ended up with a ball splashing into water....haha -_-;; here it is but i accidently made it too fast:

Term.. 2!

Yay! its term 2, everyone!

Sadly, we finishished our photoshop thingy and are now starting...

*Drum Rolls*

AnImAtIoN! Whooooop~

so.. yeh:)

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