Friday, March 25, 2011


Good days, bad days
Of course, there were good days and bad days. The first couple weeks consisted of good days where I relaxed and experimented with my avatar. Those were great lessons where I really had fun and got to know Photoshop. I always looked forward to C.M classes and whenever I checked my timetable, I checked for C.M. When everyone was siting on the tables, I decided to venture off into M1 and plopped myself onto the rouge et bleu couches. I was lounging around in the さむい air-conditioned room drinking coke. (I was working, honestly.) oh, those happy days. I don't know what happened to them. I think they ended when I walked into the room and found a long glass door blocking my way to "my" lounge room. Yep, i think that was it. My regular check for C.M classes stopped. *sigh* working on the desks were so hard. I reckon I work so much better on the couches. Anyways, I was a bit slow with my experimenting and judgements at the first part of the term but I knew that my second avatar would only take a weekend to do it after my first one is done. Therefore, I was on track... But it would have been better for me to have used my time more 'efficiently' in the middle part of the term. Maybe less complaining about the glass door that blocked me from "my" lounge room and less complaining about how i prefer to 'get the builder to build the house then describe it' rather than 'get the achetait design it then get the builder to build it'. Hmm.

What went right? What went wrong?
I always find the start of my assignments hard. This is because I come up with an idea then think that I can come up with a better one. This is why I start my assignments first then do the description, etc. Its like building the house than describing it. Anyways, when I thought of the Necra'ans, I didn't quite like it 100% but I had to start my avatar. The first lesson I actually started working on my avatar, I spent too much time in coloring the leaves for their hair. Then I tried to follow my personality profile, therefore spent much of my time searching for the right images. With a little change in my personality profile, I finished my first avatar. I took quite a while on my first avatar. But I finished my second avatar in a day so that went well. Also, I couldn't find s suitable background for my planet either. I had to create one from scratch and that didn't go well with all ther other assignment/tests going on. I made it from a few simple things like a tree, cloud, sky, bush. Then I put the avatar in it. It looked horrible. Our avatars were suppose to look good. Well, at least that's how it turned out for everyone except moi. Mine looked like some random, freaky thing in a weird background. I did my second one. Since the first character didn't have a "body", I put my second character on a body then into a background. It looked worse than the first one. I liked the background and shadow for the second one but the face was....yeh. I looked at my second one than my first one. My first one almost looked good compared to my second one.. Haha:)

If I had my time again, I would...
I think i used my time well in my blog. I posted all the necessary things such as the emotions, personality profile and evaluation as well as extra experiments i did and the process of the creation of my avatar. I have about 15 posts for both Feb and Mar, meaning that i posted about once every two days,,not really but something like that. I was very glad i did this as i did not stress about my blog and post twenty posts all today with 5minute gaps in between every pst:) however, I would try to improve by using my planning time more efficiently and accurately. Instead of trying to write a personality profile for weeks in uncertainty, I should have searched for images as the base of my idea. For example, when thought of Le'c Necra then the Necra'ans and there physcal features, I could have searched different types of leaves, things I could overlay as their skin, different types of mouth, eyes, etc. This would have resolved my uncertainty and made changes based on the images I could work with. It never occurred to me that I could stop furiously typing away at my ipad to write the profile and take a look around, search some stuff and find new ideas.

How did I feel about using Photoshop
I had so much fun using Photoshop this term. Before I started this unit of work, i've always thought that Photoshop was just a (practically) useless program that was difficult to learn. For example, to put a electric tooth brush onto an iPhone, I just used 'paint' and successfully finished my financial futures assignment. However, during term 1, I learnt that with photoshop, I could do more 'complicated' stuff like overlaying other stuff (fur, snake skin, patterns) onto stuff like humans, use masking, liquify, healing brush, cloning stamp and more. It was always fun to learn these things because I was learning new ways to create exotic, surreal images.

10:11 pm


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